Pontoons & Jetties | Jetties

Choose VersaDock for your jetties. VersaDock is modular to form any shape, more buoyant than the competition and the most stable on the market.

VersaDock can provide a solution to whatever shape of jetty you require.  Since VersaDock’s advanced construction jetties are modular, the possibilities are endless.  We can design to your bespoke requirements and produce the perfect platform for your needs.


VersaDock can provide a solution to whatever shape of jetty you require.  Since VersaDock’s advanced construction jetties are modular, the possibilities are endless.  We can design to your bespoke requirements and produce the perfect platform for your needs.


VersaDock can provide a solution to whatever shape of jetty you require.  Since VersaDock’s advanced construction jetties are modular, the possibilities are endless.  We can design to your bespoke requirements and produce the perfect platform for your needs.

VersaDock’s floats have more plastic in them then any other similar product on the market.  Wall thickness is a minimum of 8mm and the floats have been re-engineered to give stronger than ever radii around the lugs.  Latest technology in the pin and nut moulds has added an extra tonne of loading capacity to each, massively strengthening the whole platform.

Rigorous testing, continually advancing technology and design, and robust military-grade materials all set VersaDock apart from the competition.

We have fitted over a thousand jetties around the world.  VersaDock is an established premier brand – our products have been tested from the extreme cold of the Antarctic to the hurricanes in Florida and the searing heat of the Middle East.  VersaDock is proud to have provided bespoke solutions used by renowned projects such as the 2015 America’s Cup World Series.

Each jetty is the end product of a complete engineering plan and solution.

  • Easy to use and maintenance-free floating platforms.
  • A low entry price point.
  • No open areas to trip or fall through.
  • Modular technology to meet your requirements.
  • For added safety and security you can add our railings around your pontoon.
  • Durable HDPE Floats with UV inhibitor.
  • Configurable to a number almost any shape and size.
  • Wide range of shore attachment brackets.
  • Accessories include canoe racks, on-dock storage, handrails and swim ladders.
  • Available with a ramp to shore or launch ramp into the water.
  • Tough non-slip surfaces

For more information on how to keep your vessel clean, dry and protected with VERSADOCK contact us today.


+44 (0) 1590 671300

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